
Creating a Sapper blog using Strapi

Publié le sous Ingénierie

We just published our first few blog posts, and after exploring several different content management systems, we decided to use Strapi. Strapi is an open-source headless CMS written in Node.js; it works with most database management systems and it’s super easy to deploy.

In this quick guide, we’ll go through our process of using the Strapi API with Svelte and Sapper to generate a blog with categories and author pages.


Before heading to the Svelte code, you should create the following content types in Strapi:

  1. Blog categories

  2. Blog posts

  3. Team members

Each content type contains a title and slug, and blog posts and team members also include a rich text field named content.


We’ll use fs-extra for writing files, axios to make requests, markdown-it to render markdown, and highlight.js for syntax highlighting. Get started by installing these dependencies:

npm install axios markdown-it highlight-js fs-extra

If you use TypeScript like we do, you’ll need these types installed as well:

npm install --save-dev @types/axios @types/fs-extra @types/highlight.js @types/markdown-it

Then, we create a directory blog in src/routes and create a JSON API route [slug].json.js:

This endpoint will return the contents of blog posts by locating them as JSON files in the data directory. We will programmatically write these files using a helper. Let’s create a file in the project root, strapi.ts:

With the above helper, we generate the following files:

  1. src/routes/blog/data/all.json contains all the blog posts

  2. src/routes/blog/data/SLUG.json contains each blog post with its slug

  3. src/routes/blog/authors/data/all.json contains all the authors

  4. src/routes/blog/authors/data/SLUG.json contains each author

  5. src/routes/blog/categories/data/all.json contains all the authors

  6. src/routes/blog/categories/data/SLUG.json contains a single author

To generate these, run this script following:

npx ts-node strapi.ts

Then, let’s create some routes. The index.svelte file in src/routes/blog will list all blog posts:

Then, we create the single blog post page [slug.svelte]:

Lastly, we repeat the process and create the index.svelte and [slug].svelte routes in the categories and authors directories under blog, replacing the API URLs.

A propos des auteurs

Anand Chowdhary

Co-founder & CTO

Anand Chowdhary est un technologue et un entrepreneur. Il avait auparavant fondé Oswald Labs, une entreprise qui développe des technologies d’accessibilité.