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Koj is now Pabio

Geschrieben am unter Unternehmen

We're delighted to share that we've completed our rebranding from Koj to Pabio, and launched our new website at

We founded Koj last year after realizing that the furniture industry is completely out of date. A tiny percent of all furniture is purchased online, and most people drive to a big furniture retailer in the outskirts of their city, waste several hours, and return with something they'll end up replacing in a few years. With our furniture subscription with personalized interior design, we aim to offer a better, more sustainable, and more affordable alternative to this.

As much as we loved our name, our customers told us that it was hard to pronounce ("Koj" is pronounced like "koi" pond), and using a .co domain made it even harder to remember. After weeks months of ideation, exploration, and testing, we're happy to share our new name with the world — Pabio.

We like to say ˈpɑːbɪəʊ (rhymes with Pablo), though some of our Americans friends like to say ˈpæbɪəʊ (rhymes with patio). No matter how to say it, it's friendly and memorable. With our new name, we have a new website,, where you can get a free interior design consultation, schedule your deliveries, make online payments, and manage your apartment.

And we have more... stay tuned for another exciting announcement in the coming weeks!

Über die Autoren

Carlo Badini

Co-founder & CEO

Carlo Badini liegt das Unternehmertum im Blut. Mit Anfang 20 gründete er während seines Studiums die Designagentur Cleverclip.

Anand Chowdhary

Co-founder & CTO

Anand Chowdhary ist Techie und Unternehmer. Zuvor gründete er Oswald Labs, ein mehrfach ausgezeichnetes Unternehmen, das Accesibility-Technologien entwickelt.